Faculty bios

Full-time faculty

Sarah Abramowicz
Associate Professor of Law
Jami Anderson
Assistant Professor (Teaching) of Law
Sabrina Balgamwalla
Assistant Professor of Law; Director of the Asylum and Immigration Law Clinic
Laura B. Bartell
Professor of Law
Linda McKissack Beale
Professor of Law
Jocelyn Benson
Associate Professor of Law
Richard Bierschbach
Dean and John W. Reed Professor of Law
Charles Brower
Professor of Law
Kingsley R. Browne
Professor of Law
Stephen Calkins
Professor of Law
Susan Cancelosi
Associate Professor of Law
Nancy Chi Cantalupo
Associate Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Belonging
Kirsten Matoy Carlson
Professor of Law, Adjunct Professor of Political Science
Zvikomborero Chadambuka
Assistant Professor of Law
Kathryn Day
Associate Professor (Teaching) of Law
Anthony M. Dillof
Professor of Law
Paul R. Dubinsky
Professor of Law
Daniel Ellman
Assistant Professor (Clinical) of Law; Director of Externships
Gregory H. Fox
Director of the Program for International Legal Studies; Professor of Law
Lance Gable
Professor of Law; Faculty Director, Minor in Law Program
Noah D. Hall
Professor of Law
Peter J. Hammer
Director of the Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights; Professor of Law; A. Alfred Taubman Endowed Chair
Jalila Jefferson-Bullock
Associate Professor
Marilyn Kelly
Distinguished Jurist in Residence
Rachael Kohl
Assistant Professor (Teaching) of Law; Faculty Director, Master of Studies in Law Program
Justin R. Long
Associate Professor of Law
Christopher Lund
Professor of Law
John E. Mogk
Distinguished Service Professor of Law; Chair, Levin Center at Wayne Law Faculty Committee
David R. Moss
Associate Professor (Clinical) of Law; Director of the Disability Law Clinic
Hillel Nadler
Assistant Professor of Law
Amy Neville
Associate Professor (Teaching) of Law
William Ortman
Associate Professor of Law
Michael Oswalt
Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development, Professor of Law
Kelly Pfeifer
Assistant Professor (Teaching) of Law
Shannon Phillips
Assistant Professor (Teaching) of Law
Julia Ya Qin
Professor of Law
Rebecca Robichaud
Director of Experiential Education and Pro Bono Initiatives; Assistant Professor (Clinical) of Law
Brad R. Roth
Professor of Law and Political Science
John A. Rothchild
Professor of Law
Alan S. Schenk
Distinguished Professor of Law
Rachel Settlage
Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Associate Professor of Law
Lynn Sholander
Assistant Professor (Teaching) of Law
Kathryn M. Smolinski
Director of the Legal Advocacy for People with Cancer Clinic; Associate Professor (Clinical) of Law
Kristin C. Theut-Newa
Director of Legal Research and Writing; Associate Professor (Teaching) of Law
Heather Walter-McCabe
Associate Professor of Law and Social Work
Maya Watson
Assistant Professor (Clinical) of Law; Director of the Business and Community Law Clinic
Jonathan T. Weinberg
Distinguished Professor of Law
Vincent A. Wellman
Associate Professor of Law
Katherine E. White
Professor of Law
Steven L. Winter
Walter S. Gibbs Distinguished Professor of Constitutional Law
Eric A. Zacks
Associate Professor of Law; Faculty Director, LL.M. Program

Part-time faculty

Emeritus faculty

Robert M. Ackerman
Professor of Law Emeritus
Martin J. Adelman
Professor of Law Emeritus
William Burnham
Professor of Law Emeritus
John F. Dolan
Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus
Janet E. Findlater
Associate Professor of Law Emerita
Leroy L. Lamborn
Professor of Law Emeritus
Edward J. Littlejohn
Professor of Law Emeritus
Joan E. Mahoney
Professor of Law Emerita
Robert A. Sedler
Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus