Professor Mahoney served as dean of Wayne State University Law School from 1998-2003. Before coming to Wayne State she was on the faculty of Western New England College of Law, serving as its dean from 1994-96, and spent 14 years on the law faculty of the University of Missouri/Kansas City from 1980-94. She has taught Constitutional Law, Legal History, Federal Courts, Conflict of Laws and Family Law. After law school she practiced with a Detroit law firm, Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn, and worked in legal services in New York before beginning her teaching career. Professor Mahoney has published numerous articles and book chapters on topics relating to constitutional law, legal history, comparative civil liberties, and bioethics. Her current scholarly interests include reproductive technology and children's rights.
Degrees and Certifications
J.D., Wayne State University Law School
Ph.D., Cambridge University
A.B., A.M., University of Chicago -
Courses Taught
English Legal History
Constitutional Law I -
Recent Scholarship
Book Review, The Struggle for Civil Liberties: Political Freedom and the Rule of Law in Britain, 1914-1945, by K. D. Ewing and C. A. Gearty, Twentieth Century British History 95, Spring 2002.
The Future of Legal Education, 33 TOLEDO LAW REVIEW 113 (Fall, 2001)
"Privacy Rights and Religious Influences, entry in Encyclopedia of Religion and the Law, Paul Finkelman, Editor (Garland Publishing, 2000)
Green Forms and Legal Aid Offices: A History of Publicly Funded Legal Services in Britain and the United States, 17 SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY PUBLIC LAW REVIEW 223 (1998)
Using Gender as Basis of Client Selection: A Feminist View, 20 WESTERN NEW ENGLAND LAW REVIEW 79 (1998)
"Adoption as a Feminist Alternative to Reproductive Technology," Chapter in Reproduction, Ethics and the Law: Feminist Perspectives, Joan C. Callahan, Editor (Indiana University Press, 1995)
We The Children? 15 UPDATE: ON LAW-RELATED EDUCATION 13 (Spring/Summer 1991)
The Black Baby Doll: Transracial Adoption and Cultural Preservation, 59 UMKC LAW REVIEW 487 (Spring, 1991)
The Continuing Clash, a review of Laurence H. Tribe's, Abortion: The Clash of Absolutes, 59 CINCINNATI LAW REVIEW 1231 (Spring, 1991)
The Rights of Pregnant Women, 7 MIDWEST MEDICAL ETHICS 11 (Winter, 1991)
"Controversial Civil Libertarians," a review of Samuel Walker's, In Defense of American Liberties: A History of the ACLU, 104 HARVARD LAW REVIEW 936 (February, 1991)
"An Essay on Surrogacy and Feminist Thought, Chapter in Surrogate Motherhood: Politics and Privacy, Larry Gostin, Editor (Indiana University Press, 1990) (Reprint of article, 16 Law, Medicine and Health Care)
"Comments on Professor Ellin's Paper: Feminist Criticisms of Surrogate Motherhood , Chapter in Perspectives on the Family, Michael D. Bayles, Robert C.L. Moffatt, and Joseph Grcic, Editors (The Edwin Mellen Press, 1990)
The Right of Privacy and the Right to Die, 5 MIDWEST MEDICAL ETHICS 22 (Winter/Spring 1989)
Civil Liberties in Britain During the Cold War: The Role of the Central Government, 33 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF LEGAL HISTORY 53 (1989)
Death With Dignity: Is There an Exception for Pregnant Women, 57 UMKC LAW REVIEW 221 (Winter, 1989)An Essay on Surrogacy and Feminist Thought, 16 LAW, MEDICINE & HEALTH CARE 81 (Spring, 1988)
Suing the State: A Comparison of Remedies Provided for Individual Rights Violations in Great Britain and the United States, 56 UMKC LAW REVIEW 435 (Spring, 1988)Justice Blackmun, Congress, and the States: From National League of Cities to Garcia, 54 UMKC LAW REVIEW 215 (Winter 1986)
The Future of Comparable Worth Theory, 56 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO LAW REVIEW 99 (Fall, 1984) (With Nancy Levit)
A Sword as Well as a Shield: The Offensive Use of Collateral Estoppel in Civil Rights Litigation in State Courts, 69 IOWA LAW REVIEW 469 (Jan. 1984)
"The Prima Facie Section 1983 Case" Chapter in Section 1983: Sword and Shield, Robert H. Freilich and Richard G. Carlisle, Editors. (Reprint of article, 14 Urban Lawyer)
The Prima Facie Section 1983 Case, 14 URBAN LAWYER 131 (Winter, 1981)
The Proven Method for Avoiding Public Employee Strikes, (with Ronald R. Helveston) 43 DETROIT LAWYER 19 (Feb. 1975)
Recent Development, 21 WAYNE LAW REVIEW 175 (Nov. 1974)
Casenote, 20 WAYNE LAW REVIEW 1167 (July, 1974)