Martin J. Adelman

Professor of Law Emeritus
  • Biography

    Following law school, where he was an editor of the Michigan Law Review, Professor Adelman served as law clerk to Theodore Levin, chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. He practiced law for 10 years prior to joining the faculty in 1974. He was acting dean in 1974-75. Professor Adelman's scholarly writings have focused on patent and patent/ antitrust law. He is currently responsible for updating the six-volume work on patent law published by Matthew Bender known as Patent Law Perspectives, (2nd ed. 1982), and teaches courses in Patents, International and Comparative Patent Law, and seminars in Law and Economics and Advanced Patent Law. He is also one of the country's best-known lecturers on patent-related subjects and has been qualified as an expert in patent law and practice in over 80 federal patent infringement cases.

  • Degrees and Certifications

    High School: Central High School, Detroit, Michigan, June 1954.

    Baccalaureate: A.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June, l958.

    Graduate: M.S. (Physics), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, August, 1959.

    Law Degree: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June, 1962.

    Other Faculty Appointments:
    Professor of Law, Wayne State University Law School, Detroit MI, 1973-1999, Professor Emeritus 1999-.

    Visiting Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Winter 1982.

    Visiting Professor of Law and Acting Director of the Intellectual Property program, George Washington University Law School, 1998-99.


    Professional Experience:
    Assistant Editor Michigan Law Review (1960-1962).

    Research Assistant to Professor Samuel D. Estep (1960-1962).

    Law Clerk, Chief Judge Theodore Levin, Federal District Court, Detroit, Michigan (1962-1963)

    Associate, Honigman, Miller, Schwartz & Cohn, Detroit, Michigan (1963-64).

    Patent Attorney, Burroughs Corp., Washington, D.C. (1964-1965).

    Associate, Barnard, McGlynn & Reising, Birmingham, Michigan (1965-1968), Partner (1968-1973) in charge of patent, patent-antitrust, and related litigation.

    Professional Society Memberships:

    • American Bar Association,
    • American Intellectual Property Law Association,
    • Michigan Bar Association,
    • International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property.
    • Service at Wayne State University:
      Acting Dean, Law School (1974-75).
    • President, Faculty Senate (1976-1979).
    • Chair, Personnel Committee, Law School (1987-88).
    • Professional Consultation:
      Testified as an expert on patent law and practice either at trial or by way of deposition in more than 150 patent infringement cases.
  • Courses Taught

    Patent Law; International and Comparative Patent Law; Law and Economics (Seminar), Advanced Topics in Patent Law (Seminar)

  • Areas of Research

    Patent Law

  • Publications of Note

    Volumes 1-6, Patent Law Perspective; Matthew Bender, (continuously updated)

  • Position Title

    Professor of Law, Director of the Intellectual Property Program and Director of the Dean Dinwoodey Center for Intellectual Property Studies, George Washington University Law School.
  • Publications and Conference Papers

    Book Review Editor, The Antitrust Bulletin, 1980-1986.


    Scholarly Books:
    Patent Law Perspectives, 2d Ed., Matthew Bender (eight volumes) (continuously updated) (available through LEXIS).

    Cases and Materials on Patent Law (with Randall R. Rader, John R. Thomas and Harold C. Wegner), West Group 1998.

    Chapter 63, Patents, in Business and Commercial Litigation in Federal Courts (six volumes) (continuously updated) (with Randall R. Rader and Harold C. Wegner) West Group 1998 (available through WESTLAW).

    Journal Articles:

    Refereed Papers:
    An Antitrust Decision: Lear v. Adkins, 58 A.B.A.J. 45 (1972).

    Territorial Restraints in International Technology Agreements after Topco, 17 Antitrust Bull. 763 (1972) (with Brooks), reprinted at 5 Pat. L. Rev. 457 (1973).

    The Supreme Court, Market Structure, and Innovation: Chakrabarty, Rohm and Haas, 27 Antitrust Bull. 457 (1982).

    Invited Articles:

    Secrecy and Patenting: Some Proposals for Resolving the Conflict, 1 A.P.L.A. Quarterly J. 296 (1973), reprinted at 5 Pat. L. Rev. 57 (1973).

    Relevant Market Paradox - Attempted and Completed Patent Fraud Monopolization, 28 Ohio State L.J. 289 (1977), reprinted at 10 Intellectual Property L. Rev. 115 and 8 J. of Reprints for Antitrust L. and Econ. 709.

    Use of Industrial Property as a Clandestine Cartel, 30 (Supplement) Am. J. Comp. L. 1701 (1982).

    Forward, Symposium: Perspectives on the General Motors-Toyota Joint Venture, 31 Wayne L. Rev. 1163 (1985).

    The New World of Patents Created by the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, 20 U. of Mich. J. L. Ref. 979 (1988).

    Patents and the Seventh Amendment, Molengrafica, Eenvormig en vergelijkend privaatrecht 357 (1993).

    Damages and other financial remedies for Patent Infringement, AIPPI Annuaire 1995/IX, 274 (1995).

    Prospects and Limits of the Patent Provision in the TRIPS Agreement: The Case of India, 29 Vand. J. Tranat'l L. 507 (1996)(with Baldia).

    The Effect of the Seventh Amendment on Substantive American Patent Law, Molengrafica, Europees Privaatrecht 173 (1996).

    The Exhaustion Doctrine in American Patent Law, Molengrafica, Europees Privaatrecht 247 (1997).

    Non-Refereed Papers:
    State Control of Radiation Hazards: An Intergovernmental Relations Problem, 60 Mich. L. Rev. 41 (1961) (with Estep).

    Trade Secrets and Federal Pre-exemption - The Aftermath of Sears and Compco, 49 J. Pat. Off. Soc'y 713 (1967).

    Inventions and the Law of Trade Secrets after Lear v. Adkins, 16 Wayne L. Rev. 77 (1969) (with Jaress), reprinted at 3 Pat. L. Rev. 231 (1971).

    Patent-Antitrust Law: A New Theory, 17 Wayne L. Rev. 1 (1971) (with Jaress), reprinted at 3 Pat. L. Rev. 231 (1971).

    The Integrity of the Administrative Process, Sherman Section 2 and the Per Se Rules - Lessons of Fraud on the Patent Office, 19 Wayne L. Rev. 1 (1972) (with Brooks), reprinted at 55 J. Pat. Off. Soc'y 255 (1973) and 5 Pat. L. Rev. 413 (1973).

    Patent-Antitrust: Patent Dynamics and Field of Use Licensing, 50 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 273 (1975) (with Juenger), reprinted at 7 Pat. L. Rev. 495, and 8 J. of Reprints for Antitrust L. and Econ. 429.

    Property Rights Theory and Patent-Antitrust: The Role of Compulsory Licensing, 52 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 77 (1977), reprinted at 10 Intellectual Property L. Rev. 77 and 8 J. of Reprints for Antitrust L. and Econ. 287.

    The Doctrine of Equivalents in Patent Law: Questions Pennwalt did not Answer, 137 U. of Penn. L. Rev. 673 (1989) (with Francione).

    Book Reviews: Academic Journals

    Book Review, 25 Antitrust Bull. 891 (1980).

    Book Review, 26 Antitrust Bull. 447 (1981).

    Book Review, 27 Antitrust Bull. 275 (1982).

    Book Review, 28 Antitrust Bull. 491 (1983).