Jami Anderson

Jami Anderson

Assistant Professor (Teaching) of Law, Faculty Director, Undergraduate Legal Programs

Jami Anderson

  • Biography

    Jami L. Anderson is a teaching assistant professor of law at Wayne State University Law School.

    Anderson's research and teaching interests have changed during the past thirty years. At the start of her career, she developed an analysis of Hegel’s theory of state punishment. The primary focus of this research concerned the question of whether punishing individuals unjustly disenfranchised from society is justified. Later, Anderson shifted her research to Critical Race Theory, and Whiteness Studies in particular. Anderson has published critical analyses of the nature of “whiteness” and the role white privilege plays in sustaining racism in the U.S. In the past twelve years, Anderson has taught courses in and published in the area of Critical Disabilities Studies (CDS). She is currently researching how the American legal system created and sustains ableist privilege. Finally, she is an advocate for the neurodiversity movement, and for individuals on the autism spectrum

  • Degrees and Certifications

    J.D., Wayne State Law School
    Ph.D., University of Southern California
    B.A. Arizona State University



  • Courses Taught

    Introduction to Philosophy
    Critical Thinking
    Introduction to Ethics
    Race, Gender and Sexuality
    Introduction to Bioethics
    Disabilities Studies
    Punishment and Responsibility
    History of Modern Racism
    Introduction to Feminist Theory
    Theories of Punishment
    Gender and Communication
    Philosophical Reasoning
    Philosophy of Health, Illness and Disease
    Medical Ethics
    Philosophy of Autism
    History of Ethics
    Philosophy of Law
    Philosophy in Literature
    Junior Seminar: Legal Theory: Sex and Gender
    Junior Seminar: Whiteness Studies
    Philosophy of Race
    Gender Theory
    Selected Topics in Moral Philosophy
    Selected Topics in Legal Philosophy
    Selected Topics in Political Philosophy

  • Selected Publications

    Philosophy of Autism. Edited by Jami L. Anderson and Simon Cushing. Lanham, MD: (Rowman & Littlefield 2013).

    “Annulment Retributivism: A Hegelian Theory of Punishment.” Legal Theory 5 (4): 363–388 (1999).

    “Reciprocity as a Justification for Retribution.” Criminal Justice Ethics 16 (1): 13–25 (1997).

    “Discipline and Punishment in Light of Autism.” In Punishment: Making Visible Bodies, Silence and De- humanisation, edited by Selina Doran and Laura Bottell. Oxford, UK: Inter-Disciplinary Press (2014).

    “A Life Not Worth Living.” In Breaking Bad: Critical Essays on the Contexts, Politics, Style, and Reception of the Television Series, edited by David Pierson, 103–118. Lanham, MD: Lexington Press (2014) .

    “A Dash of Autism.” In Philosophy of Autism, edited by Jami L. Anderson and Simon Cushing, 109–142. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield (2013).

    “Comprehending the Distinctively Sexual Nature of the Conduct.” In Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll: Psychological, Legal and Cultural Examination of Sex and Sexuality, edited by Helen Gavin and Jacquelyn Bent, 67–73. Oxford, UK: Inter- Disciplinary Press (2010).

    “Annulment Retributivism: A Hegelian Theory of Punishment.” Reprinted in G.W.F. Hegel, edited by Dudley Knowles, 363–388. London, UK: Ashgate Publishing (2009).

    “Bodily Privacy: Toilets and Sex Discrimination: The Problem of “Manhood.” In Ladies and Gents, edited by Olga Gershenson and Barbara Penner, 90–104. Philadelphia, PA:
    Temple University Press (2009).

    “A Unique Propensity to Engage in Homosexual Acts.” In Race, Gender and Sexuality: Philosophical Issues of Identity and Justice, edited by Jami L. Anderson, 350–358. Upper Saddle
    River, NJ: Prentice Hall (2003).

    “The White Closet.” In Social Philosophy Today: Truth and Objectivity in Social Ethics, edited by Cheryl Hughes, 97–
    107. Charlottesville, VA: Philosophy Documentation Center (2002).

    “Reciprocity as a Justification for Retributivism.” Reprinted in Analyzing Moral Issues, edited by Judith Boss, 342–353. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company (1999).

    “Understanding Punishment as Annulment.” In Social Philosophy Today: Technology, Morality, and Social Policy, edited by Yeager Hudson, 215–226. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press (1998).



  • Recent courses taught