Class and exam schedules

Summer 2025

Winter 2025

Fall 2024

Academic Regulations


Records and Registration

The Records and Registration Office assists with all aspects of class and exam schedules and administration of exams. For questions, email or call (313) 577-3979.

Information Technology

The Information Technology Office provides technical support to students. The Law School Information Technology Office also provides multimedia support in the form of distance learning, technology classrooms, video conferencing, remote courtroom proceedings, classroom sound systems and video display messaging systems. For questions/requests, email or call (313) 577-3960.

Variances and additional support

The Student Affairs Office assists students with exam schedule variances and additional support. For questions, email or call (313) 577-3997.

Scheduled variances

Students who wish to request an alternative schedule for any of their law school exams must submit an Exam Variance Request to the Student Affairs Office. Variances can be based on documented disabilities.

In certain circumstances, variances can be issued to non-native English speakers. Submit the Foreign Language Variance Request Form and ESL Exam Variance Request to the Student Affairs Office.

Extenuating circumstances

  • Exam schedule  Conflicts are governed by the Academic Regulations. Questions about the application of the Academic Regulations are handled by the Student Affairs Office. Contact Student Affairs at or (313) 577-3997. 
  • Delay or inability to arrive for exams  Students who experience an emergency that delays or prevents their arrival for a scheduled law school exam must contact the Student Affairs Office immediately.
  • Other situations  Students facing other extraordinary situations beyond their control that affect their ability to take an exam should contact the Student Affairs Office as soon as practical to discuss the circumstances.

Electronic BlueBook

For comprehensive information on using Electronic BlueBook, please see your WSU email. 

In Person Laptop Exam FAQs

Take Home Exam Web Portal Information


Be prepared for weather and traffic conditions during exams. Allow yourself extra time to get to the Law School at least 15 minutes before the scheduled time of your exam even if this means leaving an hour earlier than usual.

If you are more than a couple of minutes late for your exam, go directly to the Student Affairs Office, Suite 1255, on the first floor. Don't go to the exam room.

Intellectual Property Law Institute (IPLI)

Registration information 2022-23

*Subject to Change

The Intellectual Property Law Institute (I.P.L.I.) was created in 1987 through the efforts of the State Bar of Michigan and the law faculties of the University of Detroit Mercy, Wayne State University and the University of Windsor.

IPLI is dedicated to providing basic knowledge and advanced legal education and furthering knowledge, scholarship and research in the law governing the richly diverse fields of intellectual property: patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and know-how, computers and related technology, communications and media, entertainment, technology transfer, trade regulation and the arts.

The primary purpose of IPLI is to facilitate the offering of an exceptional and rich curriculum for law students and lawyers in the field of intellectual property.

Full time students at each of the three law schools may register for any IPLI course and will pay the tuition required at their home institution. The course will be credited towards their law degree. In the case of lawyers in the field of intellectual property, tuition will be paid directly to IPLI.

Online registration is available for all three institutions.

For a complete list of current course offerings at all three institutes, please email

*Courses Subject to Change