Student complaints policy relating to ABA standards

In accordance with Standard 510 of the American Bar Association's Standards for the Approval of Law Schools, students at Wayne State University Law School may share any complaints about the Law School's program of legal education as it relates to matters that directly connect to those standards. For purposes of this policy, a "complaint" is a communication in writing that seeks to bring to the attention of the Law School a significant problem that directly implicates the school's program of legal education and its compliance with the standards.

Filing a complaint

Any student who wishes to file such a complaint should submit it in writing to the associate dean. This complaint should state the facts that form the basis for the complaint and how the matter implicates the Law School's program of legal education and its compliance with one or more specific, identified ABA standards. The complaint also may identify the student, and include the student's access id and email address, but may be submitted anonymously, as well. The associate dean shall acknowledge receipt of the complaint to the student, if identified, within seven business days.

Resolving a complaint

The associate dean, with the cooperation and assistance of appropriate faculty member(s) and administrator(s), if necessary, will investigate the complaint and, if warranted, take action to address the situation. The student(s) who filed the complaint will be provided with an initial response within 30 days of receipt of the complaint unless the complaint is filed anonymously.

Appeal process

A student may appeal the resolution of a complaint under this policy to the dean. The student must submit an appeal in writing within 10 business days of receiving the Law School's written response. The dean's decision is final. The dean or his/her designee shall inform the student of his/her decision within 10 business days of receiving the appeal. 

Maintaining a record of a complaint

The associate dean shall keep a record of all such complaints and of follow-up actions taken for ten years.

Contact information

Rachel Settlage
Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Wayne State University Law School
471 W. Palmer St.
Detroit, MI 48202