Bar Exam Preparation

Institutional Partnership with JD Advising, LLC

Beginning in Spring 2023, Wayne Law contracted with JD Advising, LLC, who has since then been providing bar preparation services to the Law School student body at large. JD Advising is a company that specializes in bar exam services, law school services, and law school preparatory services. Beyond JD Advising's mission to provide top-tier bar preparation services, the company also happens to have been founded by a Wayne Law-educated attorney, showcasing JD Advising's connection to the student body and supporting their success.

The choice to sign with JD Advising was the result of months of research conducted by the Office of Career Success, which included vetting of vendor proposals, communicating with institutions having made similar adjustments to their curriculum, and curating a list of services that best comported with the needs of our students. After review of all submitted proposals, JD Advising’s services were clearly determined to be the best option to bolster our graduates’ success.

The comprehensive suite of services includes a full-scale bar preparation program including complete hard and electronic copies of outlines on each subject tested on the bar exam. Students are aided in crafting an individualized approach to bar preparation, with one-on-one tutoring and personalized feedback on practice questions offered to all graduates. Services also include bar passage data analysis for continuous improvement of the program for students. JD Advising’s staff acutely studies the relationship between student 1L GPA and pass rates to provide additional services to students at risk of failing the bar; analyzing current students’ performance on practice MBE, MEE, and MPT questions to provide individual bar preparation services to augment student success.

Bar Exam Strategies & Fundamentals Couse (For Credit)

Our partner further provides services for a newly faculty approved two-credit required course titled “Bar Exam Strategies & Fundamentals,” focusing on the components of the UBE, along with key bar pass strategies. Students seeking admission to non-UBE jurisdictions may apply for a waiver with Wayne Law's Student Affairs Office

Bar Success Programming

1L programming has been modified to include several JD Advising-hosted workshops focusing on various elements of first-year classes with an eye toward future bar success. Ultimately, in effort to foster graduate success on the bar exam, Wayne Law is creating a culture of bar exam success by integrating bar preparation throughout a student’s entire law school journey. In theory, this added support should also have the benefit of providing students the self-assurance to take on the bar with the utmost confidence upon graduation.

Starting Your Bar Exam Journey

To learn more about how the bar exam may, or may not fit within your career plan, reach out to the Office of Career Success to schedule an advising session today! Email to meet with your assigned advisor.