Beyond the classroom
Students at Wayne Law receive an unmatched education thanks to experiential learning opportunities. With eight live-client clinics, a robust externship program and hands-on coursework, we are committed to providing students with the practical experience needed to obtain meaningful employment upon graduation.
Our client clinics are directed by expert faculty and experienced practitioners who help students bridge the gap between theory and practice. Located on or near campus, these for-credit experiences offer hands-on casework for law students while serving the needs of residents of the metro Detroit community.
Externships also provide the chance for students to work in a professional setting outside of the Law School while earning academic credit. Throughout the semester, students work at an approved placement and take a companion externship course that focuses on developing practical and professional skills, values, and judgment. By emphasizing self-reflection, externships not only offer invaluable relevant experience but also ensure that future jurists have the capacity for continued growth.
Co-curriculars and simulation courses
Wayne Law students are also able to gain an advantage through a number of co-curricular programs designed to sharpen minds and heighten capabilities. In particular, programs such as Jessup International Law Moot Court, Mock Trial and the Wayne State Taft Transactional Law Competition provide students with hands-on experience in a friendly yet competitive atmosphere.
Professional skills/simulation courses further teach the skills needed to effectively and responsibly engage in the practice of law. Courses such as Alternative Dispute Resolution provide an excellent vehicle to build upon substantive coursework through application in a practice setting. Each skills course includes opportunities to engage in exercises requiring the judgment, analytic reasoning and application of law in a practice context while benefiting from personalized feedback from full-time faculty and experienced practitioners.