The program

The interdisciplinary Minor in Law program at Wayne State University Law School equips undergraduate Wayne State students with the knowledge required to analyze and understand how law and their educational discipline intersect. While taking specialized courses taught by Law School faculty, students learn to "think like a lawyer" by honing skills in logical and critical thinking, oral and written communication, and reading comprehension and analysis. Over the course of the program, students cultivate a skills toolkit that provides added value to any employer and gives them a distinct edge when entering the job market.

The Minor in Law is available through four WSU schools and colleges: 

  • College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts
  • College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences 
  • Mike Ilitch School of Business
  • School of Social Work

Learn more about program options

In addition to the required law courses, each partner school or college has discipline-specific courses required to complete the Minor in Law. Undergraduate students who wish to take any of the three core courses in law without declaring the minor are welcome to do so.

For more information, please contact:

Ryan Doss, Assistant Director of Undergraduate Legal Programs
Wayne State University Law School  | (313) 577-2733

Law-specific courses

In general, the LEX courses should be taken only when a student has reached junior level status. However, a student who has successfully completed at least 45 credit hours may request an exception to permit enrollment in one or more of the LEX courses before attaining junior level status. Exceptions will be granted only in the case of special circumstances and with permission of (1) the student's academic advisors for both the student's major and the minor in law and (2) the Undergraduate Legal Programs Team​​​​​​.

  • Law in Social Context

    3 credits, LEX 5000

    This course presents law as an evolving social institution, introducing basic concepts of law along with the fundamentals of legal analysis. It covers several substantive areas, with a particular focus on property in both its traditional common-law form and in its newer statutory contexts (ex. intellectual property). What does it mean to own something? What makes someone a legal owner of something? What kinds of things can be owned, what things can’t, and why?

  • Law and Harm

    3 credits, LEX 5010

    This course presents the basic concepts of law and the fundamentals of legal analysis, giving in-depth attention to the fields of tort and criminal law and using them to examine how law conceives of, regulates, and adjudicates questions of harm. When can you sue a person or a group for harming you? On the street or in a business, what makes something a crime, and why do we prosecute and punish crimes the way we do?

  • Legal Procedure

    3 credits, LEX 5020

    This course examines the lifecycle of a case in court. It discusses how a lawsuit begins with the filing of a complaint and how it ends in a judicial order, and it covers everything else that happens along the way—with special attention paid to things like negotiation and settlement. This course introduces legal concepts like “due process of law,” and explores the procedural similarities and differences between civil cases, criminal cases, and administrative proceedings.