Business and Community Law Clinic
The Business and Community Law Clinic (BCLC) is an interdisciplinary legal clinic providing free transactional legal services to under-resourced social enterprises, small businesses, nonprofits and cooperatives in and around Detroit. Under the supervision of experienced and licensed faculty, student attorneys work directly with clients to address their transactional legal needs.
BCLC clients may access interdisciplinary resources and assistance through the BCLC’s partnerships with the Wayne State School of Social Work and the Mike Ilitch School of Business. These partnerships allow BCLC clients to receive more comprehensive, holistic services for their organizations to complement the BCLC’s legal assistance.
Clinic goals:
- Provide upper-level law students with opportunities to learn transactional lawyering skills and practice through the supervised representation of entity clients and to explore the intersection of corporate law, community development and social justice.
- Provide legal assistance to Detroit-area businesses and organizations that serve communities.
Information for prospective clients
If your organization is seeking free transactional legal assistance and serves one or more Detroit-area communities, consider reaching out to the BCLC.
Apply for BCLC representation here.

their client.
Legal services include:
- business planning and entity formation;
- commercial, corporate, financing, leasing, real estate and licensing transactions;
- compliance with laws and regulations relating to securities, charitable solicitation, and tax-exempt status;
- corporate governance and internal policies;
- intellectual property agreements; and
- drafting agreements governing relationships with employees, service providers, investors, and affiliates.
Information for students interested in BCLC:
The BCLC is open to second- and third-year law students who: (1) have taken or are concurrently enrolled in Corporations and Professional Responsibility and (2) demonstrate an interest in transactional law and community service.
Advanced BCLC is a two-credit course open to students who have successfully completed the BCLC, with the permission of BCLC faculty.
Students enrolled in the regular clinic meet in seminar class twice weekly to discuss relevant topics. The seminar class is designed to train students in the knowledge and skills that business lawyers need within the clinic and beyond. Advanced students attend all rounds and some seminar meetings.
Time Commitment
- The BCLC Seminar meets twice a week for two-hour periods each.
- Students are expected to spend an average of 21 hours per week.
- BCLC students must complete at least 270 hours of clinic work during the semester.
- Advanced BCLC students complete at least 90 hours of clinic work during the semester.
Make a Gift
Donations to the BCLC are greatly appreciated, and will support increasing the availability of the BCLC's services to underserved communities as well as the BCLC's educational caliber. Please consider investing in the work of the clinics by making a gift. Or, contact Rob MacGregor, senior director of philanthropy at (313) 577-4141.
Wayne Law's clinics are temporarily unable to accommodate walk-ins due to COVID-19. Please use the information below to reach the Business and Community Law Clinic.
Assistant Professor (Clinical) Maya Watson
Director, Business and Community Law Clinic
(313) 577-4015