Wayne Law Professor Mogk Comments on Investigation Revealing $7M in Questionable COVID-19 Payouts to Michigan Businesses

In an investigation by the Detroit Free Press, nearly $7 million in questionable Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) grants were uncovered, with some going to businesses ineligible to prepare or serve food.

One notable case involves Ryan Moore's company, Conlan Abu, which received over $5 million despite applying with financials from a collection of restaurants he no longer managed. Another instance reveals a company tied to Brian Kramer, owner of four Ferndale restaurants, receiving nearly $900,000 for a restaurant he sold in 2019.

Additionally, the investigation found businesses without food service licenses receiving RRF grants, such as hookah lounges.

Wayne State University law professor John Mogk commented that more due diligence could have prevented these discrepancies.

For further details, you can read the full article on the Detroit Free Press here.  

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