A Letter from the Wayne Law Board of Visitors Chair
Dear Wayne Law Alumni:
I am reaching out to you today on behalf of the Wayne State University Law School. As the current chair of the Law School’s Board of Visitors, I am pleased to share with you some of the successes our alma mater has had of late. In case you weren’t aware, Wayne Law was recently ranked 56th in the nation by the US News and World Report – a huge overall jump in the rankings over the past five years. And we were rated the 14th best value law school in the country (comparing the cost of tuition to starting salaries for graduates). In addition, our law students continue their engagement on the local and national stage, our faculty continue to support students through transformative educational opportunities, and many of our alumni have shared their time to directly support our students and help them define their path after law school.

This past fall, and with the support of Dean Bierschbach, we did a soft launch of what we are calling our Class Champions program. The goal of the Wayne Law Class Champions program is to capitalize on the alumni network as a conduit to Wayne Law, to support programs and initiatives, and to promote these unique programs and initiatives among classmates, networks, and friends. Class Champions work as liaisons within their specific class year to promote involvement, connection, and support of the law school serving as a vital part of the alumni engagement process to strengthen the future of Wayne Law. While we have an initial core of alumni assisting us, we are looking for additional representation from additional classes.
If you are interested in learning more and exploring this volunteer opportunity with Wayne Law, please complete this form (and be sure to select Class Champions) so that our partners within the law school can continue the conversation with you about this role, share additional details, and answer any questions you have about your interest.
Very truly yours,
Kenneth F. Neuman
Chair, WSU Law School Board of Visitors