Request Volunteers

The Wayne Law Student Voluntary Pro Bono & Public Interest Program encourages students to devote a minimum of fifty (50) hours of pro bono and/or legal services during the course of their law school careers. Nonprofit and academic organizations, government agencies and private attorneys engaged in providing low or no cost legal sevrices to underserved individuals, constituencies or communities are invited to request law student volunteers to assist in long-term or short-term projects, and/or events. Please complete and submit this form to request student volunteers. 

Fields with asterisks (*) are required.

Wayne State University Law School Nondiscrimination Policy

Wayne State University Law School is committed to a policy of non-discrimination and equal opportunity in all of its operations, employment opportunities, educational programs, and related activities. This policy embraces all persons regardless of race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, sex, age, familial status, marital status, height, weight, disability, or veteran/military status, and expressly forbids sexual harassment and discrimination in hiring, terms of employment, tenure, promotion, placement and discharge of employees, admission, training and treatment of students, extra-curricular activities, the use of Law School services, facilities, and the awarding of contracts.

This policy supplements and incorporates by reference the University's policies and procedures located here and as amended from time to time:

The Office of Career Success requires all employers who use its placement services to affirm compliance with the nondiscrimination policy.

Organization Information

Practice Setting *

Project/Event Information

Materials Requested from Student Volunteers *

The Office of Career Success requires all employers who use its placement services to affirm compliance with the Wayne State University Law School Nondiscrimination Policy listed above.

Employer gives assurance that it will comply with the University's policy of nondiscrimination, that it is an equal opportunity employer, offering employment without regard to race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, sex, age, familial status, marital status, height, weight, disability, or veteran/military status, and further gives assurance that Employer will comply with the university's nondiscrimination policy which expressly forbids sexual harassment sexual harassment and discrimination in hiring, terms of employment, tenure, promotion, placement and discharge of employees, admission, training and treatment of students, extra-curricular activities, the use of Law School services, facilities, and the awarding of contracts