Amy Neville

Amy Neville

Associate Professor (Teaching) of Law


Room 3385
(313) 577-8036

Amy Neville

  • Biography

    Amy Neville has been a member of the Legal Writing Department at Wayne State University Law School since 1999. In 2016, she received the Student Board of Governor’s 1L Professor of the Year award. She serves as the faculty coach to the Law School's ABA National Moot Court Teams. She is a past member of the State Bar's Professional Ethics Committee and serves on the State Bar's Lawyers and Judges Assistance Committee. 

    Prior to joining Wayne Law's faculty, she served as a judicial law clerk to Michigan Court of Appeals Judge John H. Shepherd and then worked as an assistant defender at the State Appellate Defender Office, handling appeals on behalf of indigents convicted of felony offenses. In 1996, she received the Distinguished Brief Award, an award that annually recognizes the most scholarly briefs filed in the Michigan Supreme Court. She graduated from Wayne State University Law School, where she was a member of the Law School's National Moot Court Team.

  • Degrees and Certifications

    J.D., Wayne State University Law School
    B.S., Central Michigan University

  • Courses Taught

    Legal Research and Writing
    Appellate Advocacy – Advanced Legal Writing
    Legal Drafting – Advanced Legal Writing
    Criminal Justice Externship
    Judicial Externship

  • Recent Scholarship

    Over-Commenting: Why Do We Do It and How Can We Cure It, 22 Second Draft 12 (Legal Writing Inst.  August 2007)

    People v Datema, 13 Cooley L. Rev. 717 (1996) (Recipient of the Distinguished Brief Award)

  • Recent courses taught

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